M7 - Reduce & Clear Phlegm
Phlegm is a normal and required substance in terms of the mucous membrane lining and other lubricating functions, but it becomes a pathological substance when it derived from stagnated food in the stomach, when normal phlegm is produced in excess, or when it is complexed with internal or external such as cold, weather change, and/or toxins.

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  • Phlegm is a normal and required substance in terms of the mucous membrane lining and other lubricating functions, but it becomes a pathological substance when it derived from stagnated food in the stomach, when normal phlegm is produced in excess, or when it is complexed with internal or external such as cold, weather change, and/or toxins. The spleen and lungs are primarily responsible for the generation and circulation of mucoid substances like phelgm necessary for normal body functions, and dysfunctions of these organs are often the cause of overproduction of mucus. M7 is formulated to aid in the function of the lungs and spleen and to decrease the overproduction of phlegm.

    Suggested Intake: Take 1 tsp after breakfast, and 1 tsp before bedtime.

    Ingredients: Micae Aureus Lapis, Rhizoma Rhei, Radix Scutellariae, Aquilaria Agallochoa Roxb.

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