AE - Clear Skin Antiallergenic
The AE pills were created to be an anti-allergenic and to help withskin and inflammation. It posses ant-inflammitory and anti-mutation properties. For someone with oily skin, reddish complexion or someone who is more prone to acne are definate candidates for the AE pills.

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  • The AE pills were created to be an anti-allergenic and to help withskin and inflammation. It posses ant-inflammitory and anti-mutation properties. For someone with oily skin, reddish complexion or someone who is more prone to acne are definate candidates for the AE pills. As our bodys are more vulnerable to external pathogens and changes in the weather, AE clears toxins through the pores, which clears the skin inflammation and even helps us breathe deeper! The lungs (including the entire respiratory and immune system, not just the anatomical organ of the lungs) control the opening and closing of pores on the skin. When the lungs are weak, the pores on the skin remain open, causing a runny nose, itchy eyes, and inflamed skin. This opens up the body to receive viruses and bacteria to form, weakening the filtering ability of the large intestine. Internally the large intestine's response to filtering toxins is through the bowels. Help your skin and reduce inflammation with AE.


    Suggested Intake: Take 1 tsp of AE half hour after your heaviest meals (e.g lunch and dinner). Swallow pills with warm water or tea.

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